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Banana Nut Muffins

Banana nut bread or muffins are the go to for using up bananas that are getting a bit sad, and for good reason the older the banana the sweeter and more bananay is the bread or muffins. I like to do muffins so you can freeze in single servings and grab for a breakfast or snack or even dessert – I had these for 7 breakfasts (9-16-18-21-24-27-35).

Gather flour, baking soda, salt, bananas, brown sugar, butter, egg, vanilla, nuts, one orange.
Preheat oven to 375.
Microwave safe bowl, sifter, measuring cup, spoon.
Measure six tablespoons butter from the guide on the cube.
Cut the butter into smaller bits.
Melt in the micro for about a minute, it doesn’t have to be completely melted as it will continue to soften and cool while we gather the other ingredients.
Zest the orange into the warm butter. Always, always zest your citrus, it has the most flavor! Even if you are not using it right away, or are just eating the fruit. I have a container of salt that I zest it into, the salt dries it and it lasts forever. I add more salt as needed and it gives a nice finish to dishes – and is killer to rim a margarita glass.
Since this orange will be part of my breakfast along with a muffin, I zested it all.
If you zest a citrus it will dry out quickly as you remove all the protective oils. So then it will need to be put in a sealed container in the fridge. Citrus in its natural packaging will last much longer that you would imagine, as you will see later in the month.
Add 1/2 cup brown sugar to the butter
Add 2 bananas to the bowl and mash with a fork until smooth. I don’t often get out the whirring things unless something really needs power to break down foods. Usually a spoon or fork will get the job done and less clean up for these small jobs.
The banana doesn’t have to be fully mooshed, there can be a few small bits.
Whisk in the egg, and vanilla.
Leave the fork or mixing spoon in the bowl to hold your sifter above the liquid.
Add one cup flour to the sifter/strainer.
Add a teaspoon baking soda, and 1/4 teaspoon salt.
Mix the baking soda and salt into the flour over the bowl of wet ingredients.
Sift the dry ingredients into the wet.
Stir everything together
Measure a FAT 1/4 cup walnuts.
Give them a medium chop.
Add in the nuts and mix well.
Grab the little nub of butter left, and grease the muffin cups well.
Use your hands to get the butter into all the corners.
Portion 1/4 cup into each muffin cup.
Bake in your preheated oven, 375 for 18-20 minutes. Ovens vary.
Remove the first batch. This makes a total of 9 muffins so I need to bake in two batches, one of six and one of three.
Run a knife around the edges of each cup to loosen, then remove to rack to cool.
Use the last of the batter in three cups and bake.
Remove and cool.
Wrap muffins individually in plastic wrap, and into a gallon freezer bag.
To use place in micro with a damp paper towel for about a minute.
Eight breakfasts or snacks in the freezer and ready to go!


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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