Busy Day

Some days you just don’t have time … like for anything. It is so nice to be able to just grab prepared food from your own freezer that you know what is in it, and that it is seasoned to your personal tastes. So much better than prepackaged and tasteless foods. I don’t know about you but even if/when I buy one of those boxes I always add stuff to it for flavor, so happy I make my own.

Breakfast – Banana Nut Muffins

Lunch – Red Beans & Rice Lunches

Dinner – Green chicken enchilada


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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