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Orange Cranberry Muffins

Muffins are the perfect single serve freezer breakfast. Just remember to add a damp paper towel, or place a cup of water in the microwave when heating, the steam from the moisture keeps the muffins moist. I usually am heating water for tea or coffee so it works well to thaw/heat a muffin at the same time. I make a batch of some sort of muffin once a month or so. A batch usually makes around a dozen so some quick baking and you have breakfasts for a good portion of the month. I like to put some sort of fruit and nuts in them like the Banana Nut Muffins from the first month.

Basic baking ingredients, flour, sugar, egg, oil, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Pretty much every baked goods have some variation of these with flavorings, here it is dried cranberries, raisins, orange (I actually used two) jam and nuts.


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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