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2 Chickens $10 – 30 servings

I buy two chickens at a time because I have found that some cuts are small but if you combine those from two chickens you can make a 4oz serving from the collective parts. Also it does take a bit of time investment so if you do two at a time they will usually last two to three months before you have to do it again. Sometime I will find a family pack of thighs for cheap and extend my chicken stash.

Chicken is fairly cheap whole and once broken down the way I do it some parts can even be cooked from frozen to pan. Every cuisine uses chicken just change up the seasonings and cuts and viola you have fajitas, stir fry’s, ramen, southern, Italian, tacos or anywhere else in the world we want to go. All about the flavorings.

It’s best to buy chickens of about the same price and/or size. Since they are usually sold by the pound or 2 for $10 I pay attention to the weight and the overall price. As you can see in the yellow (sale) price they are only about 5 cents different. By starting with similar priced/sized chickens the parts will be about the same as well.
Remove any necks or hearts/liver/gizzards into a small container or bag and into the fridge for later. Some don’t come with these parts and some do. Mine did this time, so we will use them, of course. They don’t freeze well so these will be a prep meal. Usually when I’m prepping I make meals from the bits and bob’s left over, or make a meal from what I’m prepping.
Unpackage the chickens, and lay them on a sheet tray to catch any juices. I have a large sauté pan ready as well for the fat and skin I render down for cooking fat, and crunchy chicken-rones. Chicharrones or fried pork skins but make with the chicken skins.
There is usually some large bits of fat just inside the body cavity, pull those free and into the pan.
Turn the chicken back over looking for the “oyster” – it kinda looks like a tiny little buttocks. Two small lumps near the top of the thigh. These are often considered by chefs as a prime cut! When removing the thighs I try to avoid cutting those so they can be used for a prep meal. Two, from one chicken wouldn’t be much, but if you have four, from two chickens they usually come up to about 4 ounces. Perfect for a meal with the right accoutrements – a stir fry, or taco is usually what I do.
Shears also work best for separating the back from the breast through the ribs.
Remove the second breast in the same manner.
Place the oysters and the flap meat into small containers and into the fridge for later.
Place the bones into a slow cooker and pour the liquid over.

So from 2 whole chickens we got – 10 servings of breast meat, 2 servings of loin meat, 4 servings of thighs, 2 servings of drumsticks, 2 servings of wings, 1 serving of oysters, 1 serving of trim, 4 servings of chicken salad, 8 servings of stock plus the cubes for sauces, the fat for cooking and the little crunchies. All for under $10 – or 30 cents per serving. How ya liking me now?


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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