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Office Stash

So, I moved and the house wasn’t quite ready, so I stashed a freezer full of food in my office freezer (thanks guys!) then with everything going on I promptly forgot about it and restocked. Now it is time to bring it home and see what goodies I have. Once I inventory the stash I will then fill in with shopping trip #3.

Freezer looking pretty empty. I seldom let it get this low, but knowing I had a full stash at the office I wanted to make sure I had room before I brought it home.

The office stash. I can see some goodies!
I see proteins, breads, berries, veggies, and some stocks and sauces. This will be fun!
1/2 bag frozen scallops, 5 cod fillets, 4 Irish sausage, 4 Italian sausage.
6 servings of Kielbasa sausage.
Chicken stock – always useful.


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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