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Meat quesadilla

Making a batch of taco meat is as easy as making one serving – easier actually since you can follow your favorite recipe for 4 or 6 like the are all written, then freeze individual servings for tacos, burritos, or quesadillas.

Taco meat Taco meat – because Tuesday.

Two flour tortillas, a pack of taco meat, cheese, salsa.
Shred some cheese on the box grater. I used a mix of pepper jack, and colby jack.
A loosely packed cup.
Brush tortilla with oil, butter, or bacon fat, or chicken fat.
Place tortilla fat side down in a shallow pan. Turn heat to medium.
Sprinkle with half the cheese.
Thaw the taco meat for just 30 seconds in the micro just to loosen, then top the cheese with the meat, and the rest of the cheese.
Put the second tortilla on top, and press gently.
Brush top tortilla with your oil/fat.
Take a peak … should be golden brown and crispy.
Flip carefully. Don’t let all the goodies fall out.
Once both sides are crispy and the cheese is melty remove from pan to a board.
Cut into quarters by pressing the knife through in one quick cut, don’t saw at it.
Serve with salsa for dipping.


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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