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Crisp breakfast burrito

Breakfast burritos are great, grab and go, pop in the micro and go, Micro at work all good. But, when you are home, they can become a special treat when you can pop them in the oven and get a nice crisp on the tortilla. These were B13-22-29-33.

Preheat the oven to 400

Get one burrito from the freezer. Carefully reseal the bag again pressing out the air.
Unwrap from plastic, charred little speckles of flavor.
Place burrito on a square of foil.
Wrap in foil and place in preheated oven for 20 minutes.
Unwrap foil and pull the sides flat. Brush burrito with oil, bacon fat, or butter. Back in the oven for another 20 minutes – (ovens vary yada yada).


You can’t tell but I zested the orange into my citrus salt before slicing.
Look at all that flavor.


I have always cooked, I was that person who could make a meal from an empty fridge. I have lived alone and with large and small families, I have cooked for camps on wood stoves, and in professional kitchens. I have lived and worked all over the west from Montana, to Seattle to Arizona to San Diego. I have traveled, maybe not 'all over the world', yet, and have collected tastes recipes and techniques everywhere, and every one I meet.

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